Tips & Tricks

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In JEvents 2.1+ we added special module positions to allow you to display instructions to site visitors/event creators or to place the other related modules like the filter module in more helpful positions. Please be aware that you need to enable the core Joomla! plugin 'Content - Load Modules' for this feature to work The positions include: Before JEvents is loaded:jevprejevents, jevprejevents_year.listevents, jevprejevents_week.listevents, jevprejevents_cat.listevents,
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If you want to override specific language strings from the en-GB.com_jevents.ini file you can create a special override for these changes what won't get overwritten when you upgrade. Joomla provides an easy mechanism for overriding language strings in any component or module. In the back-end of Joomla select the Language Manager from the Extensions Menu and then select "Overrides". Here you are can create new language overrides - there is a clever search tool to find the strings you want to c.....
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In JEvents you can override the formatting of dates and times by changing the translations of various key translation strings (see the related link at the bottom of this page for an explanation about how to customise parts of the JEvents translations).  If you want to do this then on the first tab of the JEvents config you should make sure you set the option to use date formats from the language file. In english the default translation strings are: DATE_FORMAT_0="%A, %d %B %Y"&nbs.....
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JEvents and the club addons use Cronjobs/Scheduled tasks to perform various tasks on a periodic basis. .....
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Google (and other search engines) can pick up Rich Snippets/Microdata from your webpages to enhance the presetation of your event data in their search pages.  See for more information. .....
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As of JEvents 2.0+ you should take a look at the JEvents Custom layouts editing tool first - this allows you to customise your event detail and list pages without needing to do any PHP coding. Click here for more information So you want to customise one of the layouts provided by JEvents but you don't want these changes to be lost when you upgrade.  This is a very brief guide - if you want more general information about template overrides then I'd recommend you search for Joomla! template.....
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Here is a really easy way to add event creation instructions that will appear above the event creation screen. .....
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This article explains how to automatically update imported calendars in JEvents. .....
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You may want to change the JEvents logo for the frontend editing screen. .....
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Since JEvents 2.1 we can have a more friendly URLs just enabling the new SEF options in the "SEF/Performance options" tab of the configuration area. The new URLs look like: .....
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One of the repeated requests that came from our members was to have the ability to show different layouts dependent if a field has a value or not. From JEvents 1.5.5 and upwards, we have implement a new feature which allows you to do this. For example if you only sometimes use the extra info field then you can use this code
{{Extra Info:EXTRAINFO#Extra info is %s#No Extra info}}
If you are using the standarised image addon and some of your events don't have an image then you .....
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CSS (Casacding Style sheets) control how your whole site looks, without it you just get a plain white page with borders if they are hard coded. This is great! as it allows the end user (You!) to customise the site to suite your needs as everyone is different, I like blue but you might like red? So, lets start. Lets say you are using the Alternative Layout for your JEvents installation and in the Latest Events Module the category color lines are not showing? They should look like:    .....
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This is the extended version of the CSS Changes & Customisations Document which will help you find the bug and apply a fix. Whilst also showing some further tips and tricks with CSS. (we are assuming you have already read the before mentioned document if not, click here) .....
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If you want to add an event via a Joomla menu item you will need set it up this way. .....
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It is now possible to import user created events from JomSocial into JEvents and keep these updated with changes made at a later date in JomSocial. .....
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A badly configured JEvents installation with a large database of events can lead to slow response times on your server and excessive traffic due to search engine activity. .....
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An explanation of how the user permissions system work in JEvents - comparing authorised user mode and Joomla ACL. .....